The Australia-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry
of New South Wales






Last updated: 12 June 2015




Why Is the Weak Trend in Infrastructure Spending in Australia Becoming a Worry? by John Zerby, 12 June 2015.

Opinions on the need for strengthening the weak trend in infrastructure spending in Australia
9 pages – 2,546 words with charts.

International Political Economy in China: The Global Conversation, by Bing Zhao, 2 April 2015.

Comments on six essays in Review of International Political Economy, Vol. 20, No. 6 (2013)
11 pages – 5,300 words

Who Is Winning the Battle Over Austerity? by John Zerby, 25 March 2015.

Fiscal deficits, debt-GDP ratios and recent experiences with austerity program in the UK.
7 pages with charts – 2, 000 words.

Is the Chinese Dragon Losing Its Puff, or Is It Changing Its Position? By John Zerby, 19 March 2015. 

About Sino-US relations, “China’s Dream” and a rapidly changing Middle Kingdom.
2 pages – 800 words.

What Fryenberg Did Not Learn at Davos, by John Zerby, 4 February 2015. 

About:  “Fixing the fiscal budget for Australia is only the tip of the iceberg.”
11 pages with numerous charts – 2,000 words.