The Australia-China Chamber of Commerce and Industry of New South Wales
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FOR 2000
E-Letter No. 14
11 January 2000
China in the Year of the Dragon
E-Letter No. 15
25 February 2000
Update for January 2000
E-Letter No. 16
10 March 2000
National People's Congress
E-Letter No. 17
24 March 2000
Reviving China's Rural Sector
E-Letter No. 18
28 April 2000
Development of the Western Provinces
E-Letter No. 19
12 May 2000
New Consumerism in China
E-Letter No. 20
29 May 2000
Global Trade After the PNTR Vote
E-Letter No. 21
13 June 2000
China’s Financial Sector
E-Letter No. 22
23 June 2000
Cost of Financial Reform
E-Letter No. 23
10 July 2000
The Taiwan Issue
E-Letter No. 24
19 October 2000
The Reform of State-Owned Enterprises
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